Design service

At Montagu’s we take you on a unique journey from the initial design to a high-quality end product.
We will be with you every step of the way to inspire creative ideas and vision using our vast experience and knowledge.
Whatever the brief we will prepare samples and swatches to get the theme just right.
Going above and beyond is our forte. Our attention to detail combined with our dedication to our craft is the perfect combination for your project.
Hand-crafted cabinetry

Montagu’s undoubted specialty is our fine cabinetry. It is the absolute definition of ‘bespoke’ with every facet being carefully designed and shaped especially for you.
Precise measuring. Hammered & pegged. Sawn & sealed. Honed & jointed. Morticed & tenoned. Routered & dovetailed. Polished & painted.
Age old processes perfected with the use of 21st Century precision engineering in our rural Victorian workshop.
Project managed quality interiors

Montagu’s don’t just stop at kitchen or bedroom. We can transform any living space with a complete package managing the entire project. From the first CAD drawing to the last lick of paint.
Our full team of skilled men and women are ready to take responsibility for your bespoke remodelling works.